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Tenant Information

NETX Properties strives to provide a high standard of living through our community-wide tenant services.  The NETX Team wants to be a wholesome part of your stay with us.  Our staff is at your service 24 hours a day, seven days a week to address all of your maintenance-related concerns. Contact us today to discover how NETX Properties can make your rental experience an outstanding one.

Attention Residents with vouchers

All income, household changes, recertification documents
must be submitted to your
Voucher Admin

New Boston - upload at ATCOG
ArkTex Council of Governments  

Wake Village - use their dropbox
Village Communities of Texarkana, TX
1611 N. Robinson Road
Texarkana, TX 75501

Application or Recertification
Clients are asked to complete the Application for Recertification Form annually for continued rental assistance and program participation. 
Pets may be a big part of your family and Management wants your pet safe. All residential pets must be registered and qualify under the insurance-accepted guidelines.
NOTE:  Approved service animals are not pets but must still be registered. 
When claiming no household income, please complete this form and submit by the 26th of each month.
Personal Declaration of Income
   Corley Homes
  Dogwood Plaza
    Link Homes
     Oak Family
    Oak Terrace



Vehicle Registration
Parking on NBPM Properties is a priviledge that all tenants enjoy. Please complete the Vehicle Registration and submit to the Central Office. You will need your registration and proof of insurance.



When claiming no household income, please complete these two forms and submit by the 26th of each month.
Personal Declaration of Income
  Wortham Circle
   Wilson Homes

Get a job--lose a job

Income Changes
Termination of Employment
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